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The Federal Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal brought by Google Canada, saying its request would only delay a trial about a patent case filed against the search engine company.

The 3-0 decision written by Justice Yves de Montigny said it would be better to have the central issues go ahead and be considered by the trial judge, rather than be delayed by Google’s appeal on a secondary matter.

Google Canada and its parent companies are defendants in an action brought to the Federal Court in 2018 by Paid Search Engine Tools LLC, which is seeking compensation for the use of intellectual property that is covered by a Canadian patent.

Paid Search Engine Tools, or PSET, claims that it has patent rights to some of the technology used by Google’s search engine to manage online advertising.

PSET has also pursued similar patent cases against Google, Microsoft and Yahoo in U.S. courts.

The Federal Court is expected to conduct the trial by remote video, because of public health restrictions due to the pandemic.

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